Sunday, May 19, 2019

Electromagnetic Pulses

Electromagnetic Pulse
Image result for nuclear electromagnetic pulse militaryEMP stands for an Electromagnetic Pulse, which is a short burst of electromagnetic energy which its origination can be man-made or natural. EMP interference disrupts and damages electronic equipment. EMP’s can come in natural forms, such as lightning strikes which can damage physical objects. We have been able to develop weapons that are able to deliver the damaging effects of High Energy Electromagnetic Pulses. One of the first instances of detectable EMP waves the StarFish Prime experiment in 1962. These were high altitude nuclear tests conducted where a 1.44 megaton bomb was exploded above the pacific ocean. The effects of were known to the public because of the electrical damage in Hawaii which took out over 300 streetlights and set off a few burglar alarms. Due to the low level electronics at the time, the EMP damage was quickly repaired, and this experiment would be the groundbreaker for experiments that would lead into the 70’s and 80’s.Image result for picture of starfish prime detonation in 1962

Nuclear Electromagnetic Pulse

Man made electromagnetic pulse's come from the rapid release of electromagnetic radiation resulting from a nuclear explosion. The results in rapidly changing magnetic and electric fields which cause damaging voltage and current surges to nearby electrical and electronic systems. EMP energy can be transferred in four different types of energy, electric or magnetic field, electromagnetic radiation, or electrical conduction. Whenever there is an EMP pulse, one form will always be accompanied by the other forms, but one will dominate. The most common thought of an EMP in our society today, although there are many different types for different scenarios, is the Nuclear Electromagnetic Pulse which is used in the military. This pulse has three parts, the first part is the fastest component which is a brief release, but has an intense electromagnetic pulse, which induces high voltage in electrical conductors which causes electrical breakdowns to be exceeded. The second component is generated by scattering gamma rays and is most closely related to lightning. The last component is the slowest component which is caused by the nuclear detonation's temporary distortion of the Earth's magnetic field. This is most closely related to a geomagnetic storm. Nuclear Electromagnetic Pulse's are so dangerous because they individual components wipe out different technologies which protect against the other components, making it almost impossible to defend against. 

Image result for nuclear electromagnetic pulse military

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